Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thy Word


Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp to guide my feet
and a light for my path.


Lord, when the complications of life begin to swirl around ______, and the fog of his own heart drifts in, and bitter wind of other people’s opinions whips up, he feels confused. He begins to doubt. He gropes through the darkness, and wonders where the path is, and what obstacles might be in his future. He knows you know, Lord. But he needs to know, from you. It is in those moments that I pray he turns to you and your word, Lord. I ask that he would linger long in your word, and not just the surface truth. I pray that he would ponder, dig, meditate, and explore your word for himself. Never allow him to settle for the status quo just because it is the standard line. Press him Lord, to study your word and make it his own. Sift his decisions, perspectives and actions through the truth of your word, and light his path Lord. I pray that illumination would be the order of the day, and that you would light the path before him , today next week, and in the months and years to come. Amen.


His word has everything you need ______. Feast on in and follow the path it lights. And remember, it’s God’s word, so you need not be concerned about what everyone else thinks, just what he thinks. Walk the path he lights before you, in obedience and faith.

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