Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pure in Heart


Matthew 5:8
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.


Lord, I pray that your Spirit would continue to cleans and purify (_________)’s heart. Focus his deepest loyalty on you. Be the center of his most passionate affections. Purge his heart from any impurities that would come between you and him. Allow him to enjoy your blessings, not as distracting from you, but as enhancing his worship of you. And as he sits in this place of purity, allow him to feel that unique fullness of your presence... seeing his loving heavenly Father yet again, and with an ever deepening awareness of your goodness. Amen.


Sit with your Lord, and savor His presence.

Monday, July 21, 2008



"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
Matthew 5:7 (NASB)


Lord, I ask that in these days you would be making (__________) gently aware of your mercy to him. Remind him of how far you reached down to love and forgive him. Help him to own his need for your mercy. Open his eyes to the amazing love that was required for you to actually give him mercy. May he remember those times of desperation, when your gentle and yet powerful mercy was his only help. And then Lord, move him to see the hurts of those around him, and reach into their lives to give them the same mercy that you have extended to him. Help him to discern the presence of pain as he becomes aware of other’s circumstances. Help him to look past the masks, and know the deep hurts of those who need encouragement. Help him to translate his intentions into action, and actually give mercy to those around him. And as he does, I pray that you would ever increase the mercy you extend to him. Amen.


Use your own pain, and the relief of mercy you have experienced, as a motivator to give actions of mercy to the wounded God brings to your heart. And you will continue to receive his mercy.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fully Satisfied


"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
Matthew 5:6 (NASB)


Lord, I pray that you would create an appetite for righteousness in (__________). I ask that obedience would not be something that feels forced upon him from outside, but rather flows from a desire in his deep places. Make him desire righteousness because it is right and honors you. Make him to so reverence you that he must obey. Stir within him a yeaning to please you. May his desire for righteousness flow into every area of his life, his relationships, his attitudes, his decisions, his thoughts, his words, even his perspectives Lord. And as he lives righteously before you, may he feel that deep satisfaction that comes with your smile of approval and pleasure over his life.


There is nothing that fills the soul more than a clean conscience and the smile of our Lord. Want it and you will be filled.

Monday, July 7, 2008



"Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.
Matthew 5:5 (NASB)


Lord, as I feel my poorness of spirit in dependence upon you, and as I mourn my own sin and the sorrow it has brought, I find myself softened in my attitude toward others, prone more toward gentleness than judgment. Lord, I ask that you would use the memory of the blows of other people’s judgment and the injury to my already wounded soul, to move my heart to gentleness toward those already wounded and bleeding hearts. Make me attentive to their pain, and gentle with my words. Remove from me the judging eyes that would somehow make me better than they, and replace it with humility and kindness. Arouse me from my chair of mediocrity, and move me to active compassion, bandaging wounds and nursing battered souls. Remove from my lips the morsels of gossip, and replace them with a gentleness that believes the best in others. And may the richness of my future inheritance be enjoyed in part today as I feel the fullness of having loved deeply those who hurt.


Those who need our gentleness most, are those our flesh would most likely judge. Soften your heart, and feel it begin to fill with the richness of your coming inheritance.

Monday, June 30, 2008

The Comfort of Forgiveness

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Matthew 5:4 (NASB)
Lord, I have felt the weight of my sin. I have seen the intensity of pain that I have caused by it. Those I love have been hurt beyond words. Those who trusted me have been disappointed. Words I have spoken, thoughts I have harbored, attitudes I have held, motives I have felt; all sins that have grieved you, and now grieve me as well. Not a day goes by that I do not mourn my sin and the disappointment it brings you Lord. Thank you that in the midst of mourning my sin, you lavish upon me the comfort of forgiveness. Thank you for your sacrifice on the cross and the grace and comfort it brings me Lord. Thank you. Amen.                         
When you mourn the pain of sin, God gives the comfort of forgiveness. Be comforted today.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Poor In Spirit


"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:3 (NASB)

[Pray this prayer for yourself]

Lord, I know without a doubt that I can do nothing without you. I am poor in spirit. Without you, I cannot walk the path you have set before me. Without your wisdom, I would not see the path to follow. Without your enablement, I could not resist the temptations that would lure me off that path. Without your protection I would be devoured by the enemy of my soul. Without your care and nurture, my heart would still be wounded and bleeding. And without your forgiveness, my soul would be consumed with the guilt of my sin. I want to surrender myself to you completely. I desire to relax in that place of complete dependence upon you for all that I am and need. I present myself to you, poor in spirit, fully aware of my neediness before you, and willing to receive whatever you give. Amen


(__________), that sweet spot of relaxed submission to your Lord is always safe. Stay in that place at all costs.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Hear His Voice

"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.
John 10:27-28 (NASB)
I ask Lord, that through the constant drone of voices around him, (__________) will hear your voice. I pray that his heart would be so attune to you, that no other will matter. He is your child. You are his shepherd. He knows you Lord, and has come to know you even better in recent days. His spirit is accustomed to listening to your Spirit, and moving at your prompting. Do not let him loose that now Lord. Keep his heart and ears open. May he hear you whisper in his ear, and may he follow you in faith. Amen.
God has given you a unique strength in your deep heart. Listen to what he has put there.