Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Forgiveness and Obedience


Psalm 130:3-4

3 Lord, if you kept a record of our sins,

who, O Lord, could ever survive?

4 But you offer forgiveness,

that we might learn to fear you.

Matthew 5:4 (NASB)

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.


Lord, there is something in knowing what we deserve, and the forgiveness that you have lavished that draws us to respect you more. I pray that ______ would feel your forgiveness wash over him Lord. I ask that the full understanding of his failures would not pull him down, but would rather enrich his understanding of your forgiveness. Overwhelm him with the relief of that forgiveness. And Lord, as he comes to know the richness of your grace, grow his passion for obedience. I pray that he would have a deep respect for you, and the obedience that you require. I ask that this wash of forgiveness would lead him to learn reverent obedience. Change his perspective, shape his passions, and soften his will because of a deeper awareness of your grace and your love. I pray that the grace you give will lead him to repentance where needed. And Lord, replace the mourning for his sin with the comfort of your forgiveness. Amen.


Your forgiveness comes at great cost to our Lord Jesus. His love for you moved him to be your substitute. Feel the depth of his love for you, and give that love back in your obedience. He wants all of you ______.

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