Psalm 37:3-4 (NLT)
3 Trust in the Lord and do good.
Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.
4 Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you your heart’s desires.
Lord, I ask that you would move ______’s heart to embrace you as his most intimate delight. Make closeness to you the most important pursuit of his life. Be his best friend. Draw him to spend much quiet time sitting in your presence, listening to your words and speaking his deep heart. May he feel your presence with him in those moments, as if you were in the chair next to him. May that intimacy with you move him to trust you, to trust you so much that he does what is good, even when it is hard. And Lord, as he delights his soul in you, I ask that you would give him a cadence in his heart that you will indeed give him the desires of his heart. May he never resign herself to accepting less than his heart's desire. May he trust your goodness to him so profoundly that he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that you will fulfill his deepest longings. Never allow his hope to fade. And in those moments of deepest intimacy with you, may his heart’s desires burn still with quiet intensity, and may a smile come to his soul as he imagines his loving heavenly Father bestowing that gift from heaven. Give him those desires I pray. Give them soon. Amen.
Make our Lord the object of your most passionate delight, and watch what happens. He has not forgotten you. Believe.
Dave's Life Coaching
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